Working with Building Up The Youth Organization, much needed supplies were collected in the Grand lobby.  All donated items were given to Building Up The Youth Organization.



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Diversity Onstage - Casting Concerns for BIPOC “Black, Indigenous and People of Color” and the Directors

In November 2020, two focus groups were invited in to discuss this issue and feelings faced regarding auditioning and casting shows and musicals. The first focus group included black actors who were asked to discuss in an open forum their thoughts, feelings and hopes about reading audition notices, coming out for auditions, body shaming and more. The group meeting was incredibly insightful and the participants were extremely honest and open and willing to offer suggestions that would make the audition process and the theater more inviting and approachable.

The second focus group consisted of directors from the Road Company and area theaters. They were asked to discuss their own perspectives and concerns regarding the audition processes when a show or musical calls - or doesn’t call – for traditional ethnic, gender, body image roles. This group, also, consisted of a diversity in the participants from ethnicity, gender, age, etc. As was the first group, the directors’ group was extremely open and willing to discuss methods of reaching and recognizing a more diverse and equitable cast.

An original play by local playwright and artist, Ty Lewis.


The first Annual Juneteenth Arts Festival was a successful celebration of our local black artists and artisans. The day was full of music, performances, the visual artist, poetry, readings and tied up with a Cabaret.